Case Study: Acupuncture for Back Pain
In the past several years I have suffered from chronic low back pain. Diagnosed with 3 ruptured discs, I began to try every method of treatment to avoid any kind of spinal surgery, which consisted of physical therapy, chiropratic treatment and water aerobics. Although they all proved to be somewhat helpful, I still dealt with the continuous pain.
Not having any knowledge or experience of/with acupuncture, I decided to give it a try as a last resort. I researched on line and came across Dr. Luke Sui of Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. Upon my consultation with Dr. Luke, he informed me that he could help with my lower back pain and that it would take at least 6 to 7 treatments. I began my acupuncture with him that same day. In approximately 4 to 5 visits, I had already experienced great relief from the chronic back pain. I continued treatments and Chinese herbs to later be pleasantly surprised that my blood count was now at a normal level when I had my routine labs pulled with my oncologist. For several months, I struggled with a minimum immune system, caused from previous chemotherapy treatments from a previous illness.
Dr. Luke is welcoming, kind, informative and has a gentle bedside manner. I truly gain more and more trust in him with my other health issues now. I will continue to see Dr. Luke and give him a high recommendation. S.Hawthorne, Virginia Beach, VA